Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April Showers

My younger sister, Noelle, wanted to do a guest post on the blog, and we planned out a modest fashion shoot. 

Here is a Q and A with Noelle on modesty. (She is 9 years of age.)

Q: How would you define modesty?

Noelle: Modesty is when you wear clothing that isn't revealing.

Q: Do you think modesty should be a part of a Christian's life? Why or why not?

Noelle: Yes, because God says in the Bible to cover up.

Q: How can young ladies like you dress modestly, yet tastefully?

Noelle: They can wear colors they like, but have a modest cut to them. Also, scarves are very pretty and they help to conceal the chest.

Q: Who taught you to dress modestly?

Noelle: My mother and my older sister.

Q: How would you describe the way you personally dress in three words?

Noelle: Modest, colorful, and comfortable.

Q: Who do you look up to as role-models of modesty?

Noelle: Well, my family of course, but I also look up to my aunt, Ruth, and my cousin, Rachelle.

Q: What is your favorite Bible verse about modesty?

Noelle: 1 Timothy 2:9-10

...likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire,but with what is proper for women who profess godliness — with good works.

Q: Any final advice for our readers?

Noelle: Try to dress modestly - it pleases God!

That's that for the Q and A! 

 It was actually drizzling quite a bit when we took these photos, so they were a tad rushed. Forgive the photography! I'm still learning, and I was trying not to get the lens wet. 

About the outfit:

Shirt: Gift
Sweater: Gift (tag - Merona)
Skirt: Marshalls
Tights: Ukrainian market :)
Boots: Marshalls
Umbrella: Esprit
Hair Tie: DIY

 I sincerely hope you enjoyed this type of post. I've never done a fashion one before! 

 Have a blessed Easter - Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!




  1. The photography was great! Much better than I could do. I love the northwest feel though out the post : ) You two are doing so well with this.

    1. Thank you so much for the comment, Auntie Ruthie! It's very encouraging. :)

  2. What a lovely post! The photos are gorgeous, and so is Noelle. :) I love that even at a young age she is inspired to dress modestly. Awww, thanks so much! I think about how I am a role model for her. Keep up the wonderful posts! And I will make time for designing your blog when I may have to be after my play performances. Sorry that it's taking me so long!
    Love you girls!
    xo Rachelle // Beloved Bluebird

    1. Oh, hello there, Rachelle! Thanks, we worked late into the night on this post... (oops) Your designing skills are amazing! I'm in no rush. :) Miss you!

  3. Naomi, you did a fantabulous job. You inspire me!

    1. Thank you so much, Mrs. Edwards! The feedback is appreciated. :)

  4. Hi Naomi!
    This Bree, from Cover Up for Christ. I stumbled upon your blog today and just wanted to say that your photography is beautiful!! You do a great job! May I ask what camera you use? I have been reading through some of your previous posts as well, it is so neat that you have lived in Ukraine most of your life! Were you anywhere near Zhitomir? I love Ukraine! I have many dear friends there, but have yet to visit! I am currently trying to teach myself Russian, do you speak Russian or Ukrainian?

    Have a blessed evening,

    1. Hello, Bree! So good to hear from you. :)
      Thanks so much, we worked hard on this post. The camera is (I think) a Sony Nex-3. :) Hope that helps!
      My dad has been through Zhitomir, but I haven't. We live in Odessa - do you know where that is? I love Ukraine, too! I speak both Russian and Ukrainian. :)


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