Thursday, October 3, 2013

50 Random Facts About Me Tag

 Hello, everyone! I was tagged by Rachelle at Beloved Bluebird to do this post. :) I thought it would be a good way to get to know my readers a little bit better. 
 I tag any other bloggers to do this tag if they please. :D

On to the main event!

  1. I love any Japanese food.
  2. I've been to more countries than states. 
  3. I take tennis lessons.
  4. Autumn is my favorite season.
  5. I've been in a public school two years, a private school two years, and homeschooled five. :)
  6. My middle name is Maria.
  7. Rachelle is my cousin. :D
  8. I've visited the Parthenon in Athens, Greece.
  9. I aspire to have a career in children's ministry as a missionary.
  10. I used to have two pet fish named Jacque and Gemini. :)
  11. When I was in first and second grade, I wanted to be a soldier.
  12. I've broken my wrist once. :P
  13. I'm double-jointed. 
  14. I'm a perfectionist. :)
  15. I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 5 years old, after AWANA.
  16. For some reason, I'm not very fond of shopping.
  17. I'm very fond of reading, on the other hand. :)
  18. I hope to visit Japan someday.
  19. Some of my favorite authors are Charlotte Bronte, J.R.R. Tolkein, Jane Austen, and C. S. Lewis.
  20. I'm still not quite sure what a Nintendo is...
  21. My favorite beverage is hot apple cider. 
  22. I absolutely love literature!
  23. I'm definitely very far from adept concerning fashion-related topics. ;)
  24. Our family is flying to the States in less than 1/2 month!
  25. One of my favorite books of the Bible is Psalms.
  26. My favorite color and flower is lavender, hence the name of this blog.
  27. I ride a unicycle for fun.
  28. In my opinion, being a missionary kid is a blessing and I love it!
  29. I spent most of my toddler days at my grandparent's house. :)
  30. I'm a Whovian and Sherlockian. 
  31. I used to take ballet class.
  32. When I was 7-8 I put up an iced tea stand and earned money for an American Girl Doll.
  33. I could organise things all day just for fun. :)
  34. I'm allergic to feathers, dust mites, and cats...
  35. The church that I attend here in Odessa is called Hope For People.
  36. My birthday is the same day as Neil Armstrong's.
  37. I was a teacher in an English club at our church.
  38. I would love to live in a small, simple cabin in a pine forest somewhere on the seashore...
  39. I've once sorted my friends by continent!
  40. I love watermelon and anything watermelon-flavored.
  41. One of my favorite Bible verses is Psalm 36:5.
  42. When I was younger, I would obsess over Nancy Drew mystery books. :)
  43. I drink a cup of Earl Grey almost daily.
  44. I'm extremely bad at figuring out computers and how to work blogs, etc...
  45. "Come Thou Fount" is one of my favorite songs.
  46. Once, when I was about 2-3, I ate a worm in my grandparent's back yard.
  47. I asked my brother and sisters to describe me using one word, and they all said, "Nerd." :)
  48. Culture shock is something I highly dislike.
  49. I would rather be by myself than with a large group of people.
  50. Christ is the center of my life, and I would have no hope without Him.

Wow! If you read all of that, you have certainly earned my respect. :) This tag was harder than I thought. 
 Once again, I tag any other bloggers who desire to do it. :D

