Thursday, January 10, 2013

Does God Care About My Wardorbe?

Hello, everyone. :)
 I'm hoping you're all having a great week. The other day, I was out and about and I noticed that a lot of young girls and women were wearing very showy and revealing outfits. As a Christian, I found this to be very disturbing and was saddened at the thought of what God saw in them. Awhile ago, I'd read a lovely and godly book on this specific topic called The Look: Does God Really Care What I Wear? given to me as a gift by one of my aunts. I would strongly recommend it to any young woman. The book, by Nancy Leigh Demoss, shows one that what you wear does matter to God. The Bible says in 1 Peter 3:3-

"Do not let your adorning be external - the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear..."

This means that we shouldn't strive to be pretty on the outside (by loading on tons of bling or spending hours on making your hair just right), but perceive to be inwardly beautiful, which is most pleasing to the Lord.
 Being inwardly beautiful doesn't mean that one must dress on the outside in a long, limp gray sack and wear your hair in a strict-looking style. God says that our bodies are His temple and we should take good care of it. Try to dress in ways that please the Lord and wouldn't make a person pay too much attention to your physical appearance; instead, act kindly and let your inner woman of faith shine.

  I really enjoyed writing this post for all my readers and hope to blog again soon. :)
 Until next time!



  1. Wow you're really holy! I'm a Christian but as a teenager brought up in the Catholic Church I don't have a 'typical faith'. You'd probably think I don't have strong faith but I just believe in what I want to believe in. I definitely don't think what you wear affects your relationship with God. Well to a certain extent. Personally I believe... for example God would still love a stripper because he loves the person not the profession. Mary Magdalene was a prostitute yet one of 'Jesus's' closest friends.
    So I don't know... I completely respect your faith but I hope you respects others. I love make-up and fashion but I also work on being a nice, caring person.

    1. Niamh, I wouldn't say that I'm holy. ;) That's true, God loves everyone, but He also wants us to try to be more like His Son; Jesus was completely humble. Yes, Mary Magdelene is a good example of the Lord's everlasting love. <3 Thanks for commenting.

  2. What a joy to read your post, Naomi. God bless you as you continue to grow in His grace!
    Mrs. Rogers

    1. Thank you very much, Mrs. Rogers. :)

  3. Naomi, I love this blog. Nothing makes a girl more beautiful than a nice smile, and nothing makes a nice smile like walking closely with the Lord.

    1. That is very true Grandma! Thanks, I'm glad you like this little blog; trying to post on it more often. ;)

  4. Hi! I just started following your blog, and I just wanted to commend you on your posts. They're awesome! I go to a Pentecostal church, and no we don't wear long sleeves and skirts to the floor all the time ... But, I do believe modesty is the best policy. I think that when you reach the point where attention is being taken away from God and placed on yourself, then a change needs to be made. I do have to say, I'm a huge perfectionist and can't contend with some of the women out there, but I do know that --> "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30 Also, I think that we as Christians have created this box of what Christianity does, and does not look like. We judge people's spirituality, on behalf of their appearance. (How short their shirt/shorts are. How tight their clothes are. How low they're cut.) Do I believe that God judges based on appearance? Certainly not. But, when he calls you, and the holy spirit draws you to him ... I don't believe you remain the same. We like to say "Come as you are, but don't stay that way." It reigns true. Thanks for posting this :)

    1. Hello, Kayla! I'm so glad that you found our blog and are enjoying the posts. (I'm not the only one posting here, my friends Keri and Bethany also write on this blog.) Yes, that's true - I agree. Like the Bible says: "But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'" 1 Sam. 16:7. Thanks for commenting!

  5. Keri AeschlimanJanuary 21, 2013

    Hi Naomi! Thank you so much for this post! It is always encouraging to me when other Christian young ladies are willing to take this stand, and be different than the world. Sometimes its hard to know where to draw the line, because we all want to look nice. I heard a quote about modesty that really made me stop and think: "You should wear your clothes tight enough so that people know you're a woman, but loose enough that people know you are a lady." Like you said, we don't have to dress "in a long, limp gray sack", but we should always remember that we are adorning God's temple.
    Thanks again!

    1. Keri, I'm so thrilled with all the great feedback! Thank you! Wow, that quote is really lovely. <3 I hope to blog again soon. :)

  6. This is a wonderful post! If I give you credit on my blog- would you mind my re-blogging it? Here's my blog- if you want to see what it's like first. It started out about a year and half ago as a christian/diy/fashion blog. And it's sort of morphed into simply a christian/fashion blog. This is the perfect sort of article for my readers!! Let me know either way <3 Alex

    Oh yes, and I'm following!

    1. Wow, thank you so much! I would definitely not mind you re-blogging. This is really kind of you, I didn't know people would be so interested in my post. All the feedback is really encouraging! Your blog is beautiful, keep up the good work. I'll follow. :D

    2. Thank you so much!I'll let you know when I re-post it!


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