Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tips On Being Diligent

Hello, once again!
Today I've decided to write a post with a few suggestions on how to keep up with your tasks and not fall behind. Personally, since my mom is homeschooling my siblings and me, it gets a bit challenging to be diligent and not get distracted with little kids running around the house. (But I do adore them!)
 Now, without further ado, on to the tips:
  • Get rid of the distractions
 That's right, you heard me. Close that Pinterest tab... Good. Now the Facebook. You're getting the hang of this! Without distractions, any task you're attempting to complete will take much less time to accomplish without interruptions.
  • Get motivated
 Set aside a small, special treat for yourself for once you finish your task. Remind yourself about it during the process to get you motivated.
  • Set a time limit
 How long do you think it will take you to complete your task? If you have several chores to complete, set a certain amount of time to do each. This will also keep you motivated to get the task done. Don't be in too much in a hurry! Remember, quality comes first.
  • Pray!
Last but certainly not least, ask the Lord for help beforehand. He is always willing to uplift and encourage. Even the Bible talks about working hard:

And every work that he undertook in the service of the house of God and in accordance with the law and commandments, seeking God, he did with all his heart, and prospered.

~2 Chronicles 31:21

Phew! Doesn't it feel good to have all those tasks of your back? I know I always feel relieved.
I hope that you found this post helpful! If you have any more tips, please comment. It would be greatly appreciated. 
 Posts from a new author and guest posts on Lavender Patch coming soon!



  1. Fantastic tips! I love using all of these and they are really quite helpful. :)

    1. Thank you for the feedback, Rachelle. It's appreciated. :)

  2. Naomi, you have some very helpful ideas. Setting a time limit works great for me. I like to make a competition with myself to see how much I can get done in 15 mins.

    1. Thanks, Papa! That's a great suggestion.

  3. At "close that pinterest tab" I was like, "yup that's me." haha- awesome, awesome post! You write so well and these are so encouraging! Alex

    1. Alexandra, I had to remove a few distractions myself before writing that post! ;) Thanks so much, I hope you visit again!

  4. Hi. I love your blog. Looks so pretty. I found your blog from visiting Alexandra Marie. :) So i thought I take a look.

    Those are really good tips and true. I didn't know homeschooling is challenging. How is it challenging?

    1. Thanks for the comment, Hilda! It makes my day. :) Homeschooling is a challenge for me mainly because, like I said in the post, there are a lot of siblings to bug you. ;) Now, if you don't have any siblings and are homeschooling, I almost 100% guarantee it will be easier.

    2. Ah cool!! And you are so welcome. :D I am now following your blog. :)

      By the way, you win the "Reader Appreciation Award." Here's the link:

    3. Thanks for the follow and award, Hilda! :)

    4. Aw, it a pleasure, Naomi! I love reading blogs. One of these days i will have to put your link on my blog.

    5. Done! You are very welcome. :D


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